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everything at once

美 [ˈevriθɪŋ æt wʌns]英 [ˈevriθɪŋ æt wʌns]
  • 网络世界无限大;莲蓬
everything at onceeverything at once
  1. Don 't expect to learn everything at once .


  2. He gulped and sucked , making swishing and swooshing noises , anxious to get everything at once .


  3. It 's hard for me to focus on everything at once sometimes .


  4. Don 't try to do everything at once ; take it a bit at a time .


  5. I can 't do everything at once !


  6. True , but it doesn 't mean that every country will need to do everything at once .


  7. I agreed to everything at once .


  8. It happened that wind swept that letter in , he knew everything at once .


  9. John has his feet on the ground ; he knows he cannot learn everything at once .


  10. He understood everything at once .


  11. Often when were young , just beginning our adult journey we feel as though we have to do everything at once .


  12. Trying to learn everything at once and getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of words in your new language can be overwhelming .


  13. EXAMPLE : If we prioritize our goals each day we will accomplish more than if we try to do everything at once .


  14. You obviously can 't accomplish everything at once , so decide what absolutely has to be done right away , and what can wait .


  15. They may feel that dealing with everything at once is insurmountable , and so they do nothing except feel more and more anxious .


  16. I thought I had to decide everything at once & where I would live , what kind of girl I would marry , who my friends would be .


  17. But , more important , it offers recommendations that seek not to change everything at once but to minimise the damage of certain practices and assumptions .


  18. I think nobody can justly accuse me of sparing myself upon any occasion , but really I cannot do everything at once .


  19. If you decide that you will have multiple resource groups running in the cluster , assume a worst-case scenario where one node will have to run everything at once .


  20. Instead , most teams cave in to schedule pressures by trying to build everything at once & they attack the View layer , the Model layer , and the Controller layer in MVC , simultaneously .


  21. Of course , there are two other extreme cases of approach & to do nothing , or to do everything at once , but these are perhaps less interesting from the point of view of a roadmap !


  22. Ive also heard this used as a way to motivate yourself to exercise : If you dont feel like going for a run , just put on your shoes and see what happens . The key is to alleviate any pressure to do everything at once .


  23. Taking just a bit of time from your daily schedule to perform mediation will allow you to stop everything at once and focus on yourself with no other distractions . Dedicating even 5 minutes a day to meditate can provide you with quiet relief from all the distractions out there such as your phone and computer .


  24. I don 't think I can handle everything all at once .


  25. But you don 't have to learn everything all at once .


  26. I used to try everything at least once , just to see how it was like .


  27. Sometimes when a business is first starting , it can be hard to get everything together at once .


  28. Everything happened at once then . '


  29. Gabe : I guess I should try everything at least once .


  30. Faye : So when we want to cook , we should take everything out at once !
